We also discussed my job description in greater detail. The first short term team will arrive in Kenya shortly after I do, so my first few months I will be busy with helping to host the teams at the village and working in and organizing the medical clinics. After the teams leave, I will be working at the village as a health care worker, and also working in the baby home! They seem to think these jobs will keep me fairly busy, at least at first, so I'll let you know after the first few months if I have any added roles. =)
I also learned that they are nearly finished with the long-term visitor huts, and that one of these will likely be my "hut sweet home" while in Kenya. I don't remember much about the layout of these huts since they were in the early stages of construction while I was there. So, I look forward to updating you on that later!
Thank you all for your prayers and support as I prepare to leave. I am now finishing week 16 of my 30 weeks of training, and the day I leave for Kenya is fast approaching! It means so much to have the support of my family and friends. For those I have called who have already given me prayers, encouragement, and support, THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart! And for those I have not called yet - sit by your phone! I will be calling you very soon!