Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last post for 2011!

Well this is a fun year to write about! Let's sum up – I turned 27. I wrote 51 blog posts and took approximately 4,705 photos this year. Oh yeah, I also sold my car and left my job and moved to Africa! Here's some more trivia and favorite things about this year:

I learned part of a second language. I now have the Kiswahili vocabulary of a gifted three year old child.

Flying over the Alps!

I flew 49,852 miles on airplanes this year.

I rode two trains, 9 undergound trains, a few taxis, at least 25 motorbikes, and maybe about 90 matatus.

I learned how to shower in a bucket of water. Then I learned how to shower in half a bucket of water.

I learned how to make an omelette. (not for me!)

THE Starbucks in Notting Hill. =)
I visited Starbucks in Portland, Graham, Tacoma, Seattle, Chicago, Salt Lake, Georgia, Istanbul, London and Amsterdam. (and Post Falls, Couer D'alene, Ritzville and Yakima...)

I became a mother. (sort of)
"My" sweet, sweet baby for 3 short months. 

Somehow I managed to pull off the hugest-ever-surprise for my mom (coming home for Thanksgiving!)

I have moved 5 times this year.

I took 26 pictures of the London Tower Bridge. And that doesn't include the ones I deleted. =)

I've killed approximately 1,237,455 spiders since I moved to Kenya, and I've probably inhaled 2-3 liters of second-hand Doom spider spray.

I experienced some of the greatest joys of my life this year, and also the greatest tragedies. At times I've been indescribably excited, and others, unfathomably homesick. But if I look at this year as a whole, I wouldn't change anything. I learned a lot, I lived a lot, and I'm so looking forward to whatever God will bring in 2012.

Happy Happy New Year!! 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas video#2

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!

To everyone who has read my blogs this year (from 14 countries!) and commented, or e-mailed, or clicked "like" on Facebook - Merry Merry Christmas!! Your support is so, so, appreciated and has encouraged me so much throughout this year! We all have our ups and downs, and for me, keeping this blog has been a lifeline to keeping connected with family and friends, and making new friends!

This was my first Christmas away from home and my first Christmas in Kenya. It's been a really wonderful time and great reminder of what Christmas is really about! You can celebrate Jesus' birth wherever you are in the world and whoever you are with!

Have a blessed Christmas and be a blessing to others. =)

 "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests." Luke 2:14

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A little Christmas fun...

What to do on a Tuesday afternoon with pillow cases, clothespins, towels and some tinsel...hmmm...the kids had fun! =)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

London, Manchester and the Lakes!

On the way home from visiting family, I stopped in the UK for four days! I had such a great time, I can't wait to go back. I uploaded a slideshow - here's the link:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I had a lovely time!

Lexie, Mom, me and Dad at the West Wing restaurant. =)

 I just went home for a few weeks and visited family and friends. To make it extra special, I was able to actually surprise my mom! After about three panic-filled days worrying that somehow she had found out I was coming, it was really wonderful to finally surprise her at dinner! Yep, she cried. A lot. =)

After my secret was out, I had a jam-packed schedule trying to see as many people as I possible could! 
  Of course a visit home wouldn't be complete without a Christmas party reunion at the Olive Garden! After a lot of garlic bread sticks and a lot of laughing, we closed down Starbucks and then sat around at Riverpark Square, drinking coffee and playing with my new camera. Fun fun times!

 Me and my awesome sister Chrissy. =)

Let's meet at Starbucks. =)

My time in Spokane went by crazy fast. On the drive back to Tacoma with Lexie, we decided to go a few hours out of the way and visit our friend Rebekah. The directions to her house were: drive to the middle of no where, then drive one more hour and you're there! It was a very scenic drive and perfect weather!
A photo of part of the 4,700 acre apple orchard where we visited Rebekah. Beautiful! =)

On our way back from the middle of no-where, we headed toward White's Pass over the mountains instead of our usual I-90 route. Maybe it was the really yummy sandwiches, or maybe the Christmas music was turned up a little loud, but we missed a turn and didn't notice that Lexie's GPS had recalculated an alternate route for us. There is no way without modern technology that we would have ever found this windy ice trail of death, or decided to go up it. After about 5.8 miles on this road, we finally found a place to turn around and came back down. And lived. And then backtracked and found a really nice, snow-free road home. Nevermind that our 4 hour drive took a little over 7 hours, quality bonding time with your sister in the car is priceless, right? 

The next day, more friends, more Starbucks, and we decorated Lexie's house for Christmas! Lex was a little bit worried when I took fishing line to her dining room chandelier, but I think we can all agree that this is truly a masterpiece work of Christmas genius.

Merry Christmas!!