We ate out at a Kursdish Italian Restaurant, which I shouldn't even be telling you about because I have NO pictures! Apparently I carry my camera with me everywhere for no reason at all. The food was good. I ate so much tortellini alfredo that I wasn't hungry until the next morning. There certainly is no cheese shortage in Kurdistan.
My camera couldn't capture the entire city in one shot. It really is a lot larger than I imagined! The weather was cool and sunny and fairly clear. It was a nice drive!
The land looks arid and mostly bare, but apparently it was all forested before Saddam Hussein logged the area for lumber to build his 80 palaces. The land was further demolished by Hussein's genocide attack on the Kurds, and subsequent dust storms have removed a lot of top soil. But, they are slowly starting to replant trees here and re-forest.
Today at the hospital we only did one surgery. The case went very long but our little patient did well and extubated within a few hours of being admitted to PICU. Two of our patients are continuing to be somewhat difficult to manage. Little Vinoos is much improved and I almost got to extubate her today, except she decided to fall asleep this afternoon and refused to wake up enough to get her tube out! Little stinker will most definitely be extubated on night shift. We have plans to fix her hair tomorrow and put it up in Cindy-Lou-Who pig tails. I'll be sure to get photos! Our other little guy, Didan, has had some complications and is not doing as well as we would like. Please keep him in your prayers.
Baby Yosef transferred to the pediatric ward, but not before we all held him and posed for pictures! Then I got to visit him in the ward of course, for physiotherapy. He thanked me by coughing once and then falling asleep. =) I took more bubbles to Ayad and the girls - I don't have new pictures of them because I forgot my camera but I will get some tomorrow.
I finally remembered to take pictures of dinner! Actually, I ate all the tomatoes first before I remembered, so I covered the empty space with bread. Dinner is Chicken Tka (which is Tka Chicken, because they read from left to right...) which is a perfectly seasoned grilled chicken kabob, served with a side of red cabbage and onions, grilled tomatoes, and pickled vegetables, on a half slice of flat bread. It's good. I've ordered it every night!
I ordered hummus, but apparently they have run out (What? Not possible!) so they brought me a plate of hummus substitute that was an interesting assortment of pickled carrots, mixed vegetable sweet salad, yogurt cucumber salad, and olives. Hmmm. Not as good as the hummus, but not bad!
And just for variety, here is a picture of Kristin's cucumber tomato salad and soup rice.
I assume all of the food pictures are for me- they do look yummy! And healthy :)