Saturday, May 7, 2011

Do you need an Elephant?

Final plans for Kenya are coming together! I have only two shifts left at work, which really makes me feel like time has sped up all of the sudden. I will be leaving for Kenya in 17 days! My final meeting in Portland is not until May 16, and that is when I will hear the final details for my trip, what I need to pack, etc.

I recently read a book about a missionary who lived in Thailand. She told about a time that two lady missionaries were hiking through the jungle up a mountain trail to take food to a sick friend in another village. It was raining, and the mud and the incline of the trail was making it really difficult for them to carry themselves up the mountain. They heard a noise and turned around: an elephant was behind them! Elephants were not common in the jungle. This elephant and his rider were traveling the same trail, to another village where the elephant was to be hired to move some trees. The elephant rider took their packs for them, promising to deliver them the next morning when he was on his way down from the farther village. The women reached the village of their friend, and sure enough, the next morning the elephant brought them their packs. Turned out, that elephant never moved any trees. The only work he did was carry their packs up the mountain, and then he went back down. 
I loved this story so much. I can imagine if I were those ladies, struggling along under their burden, I would have been thinking that God just wanted to make life difficult for a while, give me some heavy labor to do. As my sister tells me all the time: "it's character building." But God cares for His children in all kinds of ways, and when He saw their need, He sent an elephant to help them! Whatever your needs are, God can take care of them. Even if you need an elephant. He'll find you one.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Rachel. I know God will supply all the elephants you need! And maybe some of us will have the opportunity to be the elephants he supplies. It is a funny idea, huh? :)
