Sunday, October 16, 2011


I have been going to the market about once a week, but only going to one seller who I met through Linda (who gives a fair price instead of the mzungu price!) and mostly only buying bananas and avocados. Now that I moved out of Tumaini and am cooking for myself - I plan to be buying much more than that! There is a huge selection of things to buy and it's much cheaper than the grocery stores. Mety took me last weekend to introduce me to some of her friends and teach me what to buy. =)

 I really like this guy's stand because he almost always has the baby bananas - which are definitely superior to the standard bananas, but much harder to find!

 There are lots of different sizes and colors of beans and lentils, which I have grown to really love since I moved to Kenya but I am not really good at cooking them. (yet!) I bought two kinds of lentils and two kinds of beans. Mety helped me find the cleanest ones, so it takes less time to pick out all the rocks, leaves, peanuts and other randomness mixed in. 

 I always go to this guy's stand! He is super friendly and always tries to get people to buy one of everything! But he has great prices and last time I went, he threw in two tree tomatoes for free! He also was the most excited about me taking a photo of his stand. 

 My spoils! 

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