Saturday, February 11, 2012

And then there were three!

 Small but mighty! This adorable little four year old got all her tubes taken out today and will transfer to the ward tomorrow. She put up quite a protest when we got her out of bed to walk, until she saw her dad and walked straight to him! Afterward, she made him get in the bed with her, and she promptly fell asleep in this position.

 First smile of the day! This sweet girl was the first case today, and she woke up very quickly and was extubated within 30 minutes. Here she is a few hours later, already trying to smile!

 I saw this little one in the hall as she was going for surgery. She was laughing on her way back to the OR!  She got extubated within 2 hours, but was still snoring soundly by the time I left the unit today. 

 One more photo of my little friend from Thursday!  I love this little guy! 

 Ali came back to the PICU for an echo today, he almost  smiled. Almost. =)

We have Sunday off, and I am looking forward to sleeping in! It's been a really great trip so far!


  1. Oh, Rachel!
    What a gift you have to share Christ love and care all over those darling babies.
    Love, Lori

  2. How cute are they all!! And so blessed that they have your team there fixing them up! ;)
