Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Kenya Home

My bed.
This is what it looks like at night with my mosquito net over it. (...except it's dark outside!)

My wardrobe. And...suitcase storage: which makes for a handy coat rack! =)
A little home decor from my Spokane home..=)
More decorations from home - a card from a friend and flowers that will never die! 
The other bedside table...

I even have my own attached bathroom!

<---- this is going up as soon as I can find/make a frame for it! =) I'll post a photo when it's done. Can't wait to hang it!


  1. LOVE your little is big too! Cannot wait to see the picture... looks like you got it there whole!:) I will keep mine up the whole time you are there and pray for you whenever I look at it!:)

  2. Yes your own bathroom(he he)! It sounds like you are doing well:) let me know when you have time to skype!
    ~Kelle B (you know Whey and Will's mom;))

  3. Your room looks nice and comfortable... especially without the snake in it! We have your calendar/pix up on our fridge, so are praying for you every day. Thanks for all the blog posts and photos to keep all of us back at home up to date. xoxo!
