Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Growing up!

Agnes catching a ride from her big sister Rachel!
 Agnes has moved into Tumaini house and she is really growing up! She is loving all the attention that is constantly showered on her by all her new housemates. The small girls have quickly adopted her into their clan, and she has easily settled into the Tumaini routine. 

Eating spaghetti - I love this look!

 Dinah and Diana are putting on weight and getting more and more interactive each day! I still get them mixed up but the baby home staff have methods for telling them apart. They definitely have very different personalities!

Grace is growing so fast! She's crawling really well now and pulls herself up to stand. She can even walk if she has hands to hold. She has the sweetest laugh and she is smiling all the time now!

 Benson is still the darling of the baby home. He is a sturdy walker now and can get around the baby home in the blink of an eye! He also says "baby" "hi" and "bye".

 It's hard to tell from these photos, but Mark really IS starting to grow some hair. The last time we took him to be weighed at the baby clinic, they asked, "what are you feeding him? His weight is shooting up!" Handsome boy!

Friday, August 26, 2011


These pictures are from a hike to Chepkit water falls in June. It is about a 30 minute trek from the village - uphill both ways! It's a beautiful hike, one of the coolest places I've ever been! While we were all gathering at the gate getting ready to leave the village, Abraham found a gecko!

Joseph with the gecko. We tried to get it to sit on his shirt and change colors, but it liked his hand much better!
The river, on the way to the falls. The first time I took this hike, we got to this point and I thought we had arrived. Not yet!

View from the top

Ruth and Abraham on top of the viewing platform. 

Hiking down to the bottom of the falls. (This is what makes it uphill BOTH ways!)


Still going down....

Joseph and Kelvin taking a little rest on the rocks. =)

It was really fun climbing across the rocks at the bottom, with the sound of the water raging on the other side!

The bottom of the falls is so flat the water is hardly moving in some places. 


The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. 
Psalm 19: 1-4

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cake Making still not on my resume....

The village celebrates monthly birthdays where all the staff and village get together and eat cake. Great idea, yes? Except, all the professional cake makers were away from the village, so Karleigh and I filled in. High elevation, no recipe, no experience making cake from scratch, no problem! I even found an internet signal from my USB internet on the kitchen counter! Brilliant! We found three recipes to try and jumped right in. Step one, mix ingredients on medium speed. (Uh, Karleigh? Can you beat a little faster, it says "medium" speed!)  Beat until light and fluffy. 

Meet the new light and fluffy. 

Perfect! Now to preheat the oven....

Oh this will help. One of the knobs on the oven is entirely in pictures.  Since it's 9pm, we decided not to call anyone and just picked one....And there's no 350 degrees either - only 50, 100, 200, and "Max". Okay. Yes. Good.

First cake is done - it's supposed to be chocolate but it doesn't look very chocolatey. And it seems we may have guessed wrong on the oven settings, because the top is almost black and the middle is only just cooked. We are supposed to dump it out on a cake rack to cool. Couldn't find a cake rack, so we decide to use a cutting board...same difference right? Doesn't matter, the cake splits itself in half and the top falls onto our cutting board while the bottom stays in the pan. (yes, we greased and floured the pan like the recipe instructed!) The score is-  Oven: 1 Karleigh and Rachel: 0
Despite the fact that it doesn't look like cake, it tastes great, except for the black parts on top. And we now realize that it isn't as chocolatey because we only put in 4 teaspoons of cocoa, instead of 4 tablespoons. We can fix this. Try try again!

While the oven was busy eating cake number 1, we had already mixed up the batter for cake number 2 - chai cake. It calls for the same spices used to make Kenya chai tea and uses brewed tea in the frosting! Smelled really good. We put it in the oven at a lower temperature. After about 30 minutes, that didn't seem to be working well so we randomly changed some oven settings. And then I went to another house to look for more eggs, flour, and sugar...successfully returning with eggs, a little bit of flour, and a LOT of icing sugar. If all else fails, we can just serve frosting!

Next cake is simple white cake. And yes, we separated the eggs to add only egg whites so we would actually have WHITE cake! It looked so beautiful before we put it into the cake-eating oven monster in the corner. The chai cake came out somewhat marginal. We are hoping if we just leave it in the pan and make a really awesome icing, it will be edible. So the score is now - Oven: 1 Rachel and Karleigh: 1
In goes the white cake. We lowered the temperature again and picked a new picture for knob number two. And then anxiously watched it to see what will happen. And then got even more anxious.

Now this is definitely a sign of  serious progress being made!
We are slightly concerned about our dwindling supply of flour. At this point, we decide to call Ruth who is at the Nairobi Airport trying to leave Kenya (and we MISS you so much still). She enlightens us that we have chosen the wrong picture for oven knob number 2 and NOW we have the oven set correctly. Mostly. I think.
Success! Isn't it beautiful! It actually looks like cake! And we are doing even better now that we scrapped the idea of dumping out the cakes to cool. The score is now - Oven:1 Karleigh and Rachel: 2!
Now that I'm looking at the photos, it appears that Karleigh did all the physical work, and I just surfed the internet and played kitchen paparazzi. Typical.

What the kitchen looked like when we finally finished. Ha! Just kidding. Miraculously, we did end up with 4 iced cakes for the bonfire celebration! 
So beautiful! Turned out the chai cake was actually pretty wet on the bottom (we are still counting it as a win!) but luckily it was really dark when we served it. The kids liked that one best! We had some chocolate cake left over - breakfast tomorrow!

Me and Ruth at the bonfire. =)

Village Medical Clinic

 We hosted a medical clinic at the village this year. It was my first time helping with a clinic at the village instead of Kambi Teso. The pace was a little slower than Kambi Teso, but we still treated almost 1,000 people! 

Our kids ready to greet the visitors during the service starting the clinic.

Ready for the service to begin!

Registration at the entrance to the medical clinic.

These two ladies came to clinic together, and kindly let me take their photos. 

The amazing pharmacy team! 

Kennedy, one of our Kenyan translators, giving out some medicine. This little girl was so sweet!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Playground

The first team that came this year did a lot of work on the new playground at the village - and the kids are LOVING it!

There are still improvements being made, but the playground is already amazing.

<------ Beatrice showing off her climbing skills!

Beatrice, Peter, and Steven

Victor and Duncan

Mercy and the playhouse!

Beatrice (again!) Here you can see the turrets with their soon-to-be thatched roofs. 

Joseph, Peter and Zadock - who needs a playground when you can be looking for bugs??

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kambi Teso

 Here are some faces from the Kambi Teso slum, of children in the Open Arms feeding program. These photos don't need a caption, a picture says a thousand words.